Immersion-based language learning can be demotivating at times because of a feeling of the lack of progress, unlike with traditional output-focused techniques in which level can be assessed with the ability to speak. One of the main ways to measure your progress in immersion is by tracking your time. Unfortunately, most time tracking tools out there are online and proprietary, which is unacceptable because what you spend your time on is sensitive and valuable information.

I classify total time into three types: studying, active immersion, and passive immersion.

I use Timewarrior, a simple command line tool for tracking studying and active immersion when I am on my computer watching or reading things, and Track Work Time app on Android for tracking passive immersion, which usually consists of listening to previously-watched shows or podcasts while doing other activities.

I made a custom Polybar widget for timewarrior. I can stop a task with a right click and continue it with a left click on the widget. When there is no task running, it displays the previous task. WebP for the result

type = custom/script
interval = 1
exec = timew su | tail -n4 | head -n1 | awk 'NF && NF-1 { print ( $(NF-4)" "$(NF-1) ) }'
format = <label>
format-underline = #e8f
click-right = timew stop
click-left = timew cont

The time spent are summed each week and then written in a spreadsheet in Gnumeric. They are added together to give a total time spent on the language. Studying and active immersion have a weight of 1, whereas passive immersion have a weight of 0.4. Tracking sheet