Here is a compiled list of immersion-based learning resources for Russian, some of which I have used myself.

The information is not guaranteed to be correct. If you would like to correct anything, please join our Matrix or Telegram chatroom and give your suggestions. (link on the sidebar)


Name URL File Type Note
The New Penguin Russian Course libgen PDF This book covers pretty much all basic grammar concepts you’ll need. Do note that it’s somewhat dated and some descriptions may no longer be accurate (One thing being the postal address system, which is no longer used)

Anki decks

ru15k v2.1 - Targeted Sentence Cards for 15000 Russian words

I made this deck myself, because I could not find any satisfactory ones. The 2.0 version has much fewer errors and significantly better coverage.


Simply search the title of the book online and add скачать (“download”) or читать онлайн (“read online”). It is significantly easier to find resources than by making equivalent queries in English. Try reading translations of English books or Japanese light novels if you find native writing too difficult.

Tip: Read novels of the anime series you watched. You would know the basic plot but it would still have a lot of extra details to keep it interesting. They are very easy to find on Runet.

TV shows

Refer to the Google spreadsheet for more complete information.

Some subtitles are available for download from MEGA folder.

Only native subtitled shows are listed here. If you can go without subtitles, we assume you have the ability to find things by yourself. You can also watch dubbed shows, but do not expect them to have any subtitles either.

If a show you want to watch is not listed here, it may still have subtitles. Try these websites: 1 2 3

You can also get condensed audio files for some of these shows here for passive listening.

NOTE: If only some seasons of a specific show is listed here, it means the other ones do not have subtitles.

SoL: Slice of Life

Title Genre Season # Hours Sub quality Video Links Subs Link
Кухня SoL 1 7.6 Desynced YT MEGA
Кухня SoL 2 7.6 Desynced above MEGA
Кухня SoL 3 7.6 Desynced above MEGA
Кухня SoL 4 7.6 Good above MEGA
Отель элеон SoL 1 7.6 Good YT MEGA
Отель элеон SoL 2 7.6 Good above MEGA
Слуга народа Political 1 9.2 Good YT MEGA (embedded ones are bad)
Слуга народа Political 2 11.2 Good above MEGA (There are no embedded ones)
Назад в СССР SoL 1 3.5 Good YT Embedded
Лучше, чем люди Scifi 1 13.3 Good NF RT Embedded
Эпидемия Thriller 1 6.4 Good NF RT Embedded
Анна-детективъ Mystery 1 44.8 Good YT Embedded
Фарца SoL 1 7.1 Good RT Embedded
Топи Mystery 1 6.8 Good RT MEGA

Youtube Channels

Note: “Subtitles” always mean Russian subtitles

Learner oriented

I recommend watching most of the videos in these channels in the following order (except FAQ or livestreams, which often have lower audio quality). The last two are similar in difficulty. You should aim to first watch the grammar channel once to familiarize yourself with the grammatical categories, and re-watch whenever you feel the need for it or any sort of confusion.

Name Subtitles? Difficulty Notes
Russian grammar N/A English-language explanations of Russian grammar.
Comprehensible Russian Rare, but difficult words are often on written on the screen. Zero - Beginner Talks very slowly, good for absolute beginners with zero vocabulary.
Russian with Max Yes Beginner - Intermediate Talks slowly and clearly, good for beginners. Some episodes has more advanced content.
Russian Progress Yes Intermediate Talks faster than Max and does not pronounce each word as clearly, but still quite understandable.
99% in Russian Yes Intermediate Travel vlogs

General audience

TV news channels are not included in the list below. You can find them easily elsewhere. If you decide to watch news, avoid consuming too much state-owned or state-aligned news, such as RT, РИА Новости, or Россия 1.

Name Subtitled? Topic
ПроВокруг Many videos Apartments in Russian cities
Utopia show Often Interesting stories, popular topics
Орел и Решка Often, but all recent videos have them. Travel show showing the lives of both the rich and the poor.
varlamov Often Urban planning, current events, among other things
Bad Planet Often Documentaries about nature
Простые числа Often Economics
Alpha Centauri Often Space news
История всего Rare History, alternate history
The люди Rare Lives of people in interesting places
Микитко сын Алексеев Rare Linguistics and the history of the Russian language
Антон Птушкин Rare (but has English ones) Travel vlogs
Arzamas Rare History, literarature.
Александра Киевская Rare Urban adventure
ПостНаука Rare Interviews with scientists
Асафьев Стас Rare Cars
Редакция Rare News, documentaries, special reports
ПостРоссия Automatic only Nostalgia
Тучный Жаб Automatic only Reading out translated popular Reddit threads.
SkyShips Automatic only Airplanes
The Curious None Dubs of English geopolitics channels, esp CaspianReport

Podcasts for learners

In general these are more difficult than learning youtube videos, because there is no visual reference.

Most podcasts for general audiences are quite difficult to understand due to fast speech and the lack of visual cues, so we do not list them here.


  • Has to be almost entirely in Russian, no substantial passages in other languages
  • Most episodes has to be available without a paywall.
Name Transcript? Note
Comprehensible Russian Podcast Paywalled Podcasts by the guy behind Russian with Max YT channel. Somewhat more difficult than the videos.
The Russian Twist Podcast Paywalled Interviews with guests
Next Level Russian Website Short podcasts on random topics
Очень по-русски No Short Russian lessons in Russian